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Potential tariffs, like many other things in life, are not necessarily all good or bad

Love summer, hate winter. Love dogs, hate cats. Love the Vikings, hate the Packers.

Almost nothing is all good or all bad, yet we often feel a need to cast things as one or the other. This is lazy thinking. A skier might love aspects of winter, who doesn’t love cuddling a purring kitten and believe it or not, certain people from Wisconsin find highly unlikely redeemable features in the Packers.

This binary thinking is problematic in finance because it makes us overconfident in an unknowable world. Let me give you an example.

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‘Decoupling’ isn’t just about relationships; it can be used in your finances, too

Years ago, Gwyneth Paltrow famously referred to the ending of her marriage to Chris Martin as a “conscious uncoupling.” She wrote in an article for Vogue that she wanted to “be a family, even though [they] were not a couple.” It appears to have turned out OK for Gwyneth and Chris, and the concept may be similarly applied to your financial future.

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Think like an investor, not a speculator, to make money

One of comedian Jack Handey’s Deep Thoughts is: “A good way to threaten somebody is to light a stick of dynamite. Then you call the guy and hold the burning fuse up to the phone. ‘Hear that?’ you say. ‘That’s dynamite, baby.’”

Stock market volatility will likely escalate while the Fed wrestles with rate cuts, the U.S. faces a significant presidential election and unemployment creeps up as inflation creeps down. In this climate, the real question is how you don’t blow up your own portfolio.

The easy answer is to think like a true investor, not a speculator.

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Consider the process, not just results, when making financial decisions

The question about whether Joe Biden should step aside in his quest for a second presidential term is interesting because the result of the election won't necessarily indicate the soundness of the decision.

Regardless of the outcome in November, there is no way of knowing whether it would have been different with another candidate, in spite of what the experts will espouse.

We look at results and conclude the decision we made was sound or unsound. But results are never guaranteed, so the process for making our decision matters more than the results. A good outcome with a bad process is simply luck. Your goal should be to increase the chances of making a good decision.

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How do you know when you have enough money?

I was talking to a friend who asked, "How do you know when you have enough?" It's no surprise this question frequently comes up in planning.

But it's not the right question. If you are asking if you have enough: You don't.

Having enough is not an amount. It is a perspective. We create money stories and lose ourselves in them. Others dictate these stories to us, but we translate them into our own language. Understanding those languages can help us move forward.

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Eliminating emotional behaviors leads to sounder financial decisions

The founder of behavioral finance, Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman, recently passed away. His work has made a huge difference in helping me understand how emotions can interfere with more rational decision making.

It hasn't stopped me from, at times, making nonsensical financial decisions of my own, but it has helped me pause so I can minimize them. Here are some behaviors or biases we all probably share.

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Assuage your money stress through family communication

Plenty of us worry we've messed up our kids about money, or are anxious we don't see eye to eye with our significant others on all money issues, or fear we've made stupid money decisions at times.

Well, quit worrying, stop being anxious and have no fear: You most certainly messed up your kids, torqued off your partner and made dumb, dare I say horrible, money choices. Those aren't problems. The problem is when you don't think you have money issues. There is a word for that: delusional.

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